Approved Study Database

Ref. No. Scientific Title Principal investigator
2004.290 The Role of Subcortical and Brainstem Infarcts in Poststroke Fatigue TANG Wai Kwong
2004.291 Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Effects of a Special Buffered Propranolol Formulation for Sublingual Administration Prof. Chow S.S. Moses
2004.292 Long-Term Sequelae of SARS: Physical, Neuropsychiatric Aspects and Quality of Life Assessment HUI SC David
2004.293 Clinical Bioequivalence Study on Two Simvastatin Formulations Prof. Yin Q.P. Ophelia
2004.294 Cardiac Contractility Modulation for the Treatment of Heart Failure Prof. Yu Cheuk Man
2004.295 A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled, Multi-Center Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of A 72-Hour Infusion of CP-101,606 in Subjects with Acute Ischemic Stroke Prof. Wong Ka Sing Lawrence
2004.296 Immunogenetic Study of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Hong Kong Chinese NG HL Margaret
2004.297 Development of Seizures and Refractory Epilepsy After Subarachnoid HUI CF Andrew
2004.298 A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Bipolar Diathermy and Chemical Cautery for the Treatment of Recurrent Epistaxis Dr. Chan Yap Joseph
2004.299 Prospective Randomized Trial Comparing the Use of Sterile Strips with Conventional Subcuticular Suturing in Patients with Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery Dr. Kwong W.H.
2004.300 The Incidence of Bony Abnormalities in Patients Treated for Pneumonia: An MRI based Study ANTONIO Gregory E
2004.301 Oxygen Enhanced MR Imaging of Musculoskeletal Tumors for Prediction of Tumour Vascularity and Oxygen Supply ANTONIO Gregory E
2004.302 Optimal Ventricular Resynchronization and Nt-proBNP in Heart Failure Therapy Prof. Yu Cheuk Man
2004.303 Combination Treatment of Peginterferon alfa-2b (PegIntron Prof. Chan Lik Yuen Henry
2004.304 A Randomized, Open Label Trial of Telbivudine (LdT) versus Adefovir Dipivoxil in Adults with HBeAg-Positive, Compensated Chronic Hepatitis B Prof. Chan Lik Yuen Henry
2004.305 Static and Dynamic Balance of Subjects With and Without Shoes LEUNG Kwok Sui
2004.306 Predicting Falls within the Elderly Community Walker Validation of Simple Screening Test to Identify Potential Fallers in Community? LAW Sheung Wai
2004.307 Development of a Novel "Multi-dimensional Fall Assessment Tools (CUHK)" to Predict Fall in Community Elderly Dweller in Hong Kong LAW Sheung Wai
2004.308 Pain Experience and Pain Management Practice For Chinese Patients Having Traumatic Fracture Femur Surgery Prof. WONG Eliza M.L.
2004.309 The Use of Non-Contrast Helical Computerized Tomogram in Predicting Treatment Outcome of Upper Ureteric Stone by Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy Using the Sonolith 4000+ Lithotripter NG Chi Fai
2004.310 Relationship Between Topiramate Use and Ocular Angle Status: A Propospective Pilot Study Dr. LEUNG Howan
2004.311 Role of Routine Nasogastric Decompression after Subtotal Gastrectomy Prof. Ng Kwok Wai Enders
2004.312 Comparison of Ultrathin versus Conventional Esophagogastroduodenoscopy in Unsedated Patients with or without Local Pharyngeal Anesthesia: A Randomized Controlled Trial Dr. Mui Lik Man Wilfred
2004.313 To Test the Reliability of Richmond Agitation Sedation Score (RASS score) in an Adult ICU YAP Hui Yi Florence
2004.314 Open, Randomized, Controlled, Multicenter Phase III Study Comparing 5-FU/FA Plus Irinotecan Plus Cetuximab Versus 5-FU/FA Plus Irinotecan as First-Line Treatment for Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Prof. Chan Tak Cheung Anthony
2004.315 Telmisartan Effectiveness on Left Ventricular Mass Reduction (TELMAR) as Assessed by MRI, in Patients with Mild to Moderate Hypertension Prof. JE Sanderson
2004.316 The Use of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery for Obese Chinese Patients in Hong Kong: A Prospective Cohort Study on the Safety and Efficacy Prof. Mui Lik Man Wilfred
2004.317 Validation of the Cantonese Basic Speech Perception Test (CBSPT) for Hearing-impaired Children and Children with Minimal Language Ability VAN HASSELT Charles Andrew
2004.318 Non-invasive Assessment of Itch and Erythema in Children with Atopic Dermatitis: A Pilot Study HON Kam Lun Ellis
2004.319 The Perceived Barriers to Cancer Pain Management of Hong Kong Advanced Cancer Patients and Their Primary Family Caregivers: Relationship to the Adequacy of Analgesic Use WONG Suk Ming
2004.320 Development of the OMQoL: An Oropharyngeal Mucositis-specific Measure of Quality of Life in Patients with Cancer Therapy KWONG Kin Fong Karis
2004.321 Faecal Incontinence in Hong Kong: Investigation of Underlying Aetiology AND Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial of Biofeedback for Faecal Incontinence Dr. Yiu Ying Chang Raymond
2004.322 Immunogenetics and Viral Genotyping of Hong Kong Hepatitis B virus (HBV) Carriers for the Increased Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) NG HL Margaret
2004.323 A Randomized, Open Label Trial of Telbivudine (LdT) versus Adefovir Dipivoxil in Adults with HbeAg-Positive, Compensated Chronic Hepatitis B Dr. Leung Wai Yee Nancy
2004.324 A Study of the Test-Retest Reliability & Validity of Infrared thermography in the Measurement of Knee Temperature in People Who Have Osteoarthritis (OA) fo their Knee and Validation of the WOMAC (Western Ontario McMaster) Osteoarthritis Index CHENG KK Benson
2004.325 Effects of Cordyceps Sinensis on Respiratory Health and Health-related Quality of Life: A Comparison of Smokers, Ex-smokers and Non-Smokers Among Hong Kong Chinese Prof. Che Chun Tao
2004.326 To Determine the Prevalence and Risk Factors for STDs/HIV for Female Street and Brothel Sex Workers in Hong Kong WONG CW William
2004.327 Comparison of Glucometers in Capillary Glucose Monitoring in Diabetes Mellitus Complicating Pregnancy TAM Wing Hung
2004.328 Long Term Changes of the Brain in Patients Cured of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Proton Spectroscopy and Diffusion Tensor Study CHAN YL
2004.329 Ageing and Using of Health Care Services in Hong Kong: Retrospective Cohort Study WOO Jean
2004.330 Evaluation of Functional Genetic Analysis in Fetus With Down's Syndrome for Prenatal Genetic Counselling WANG Chi Chiu
2004.331 Acceptance and Compliance of a Newly Designed Hip Protector for Chinese Older Ladies LEUNG Kwok Sui
2004.332 Double-blinded, Randomized Trial of Thymosin-alfa-1 and Peginterferon alfa-2a (40 KD) (PEGASYS_) Combination Therapy versus Peginterferon Alfa-2a (40 KD) (PEGASYS_) Monotherapy in the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B Prof. Chan Lik Yuen Henry
2004.333 A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial: The Effect of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Programme on Pain, As Well As Quality of Life in Chronic Pain Sufferers Prof. Wong YS Samuel
2004.334 Investigation of Efficacy of a Community-based, Multi-Factorial Intervention for the Prevention of Falls Among Elderly in Hong Kong with One Year Follow-up LEUNG Kwok Sui
2004.335 The Effectiveness of a Prospective Randomized Controlled Physiotherapy Program on Musculoskeletal Complications of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients Post-Radiotherapy LEE Edwin
2004.336 Role of Hepatitis B Virus Covalently Closed Circular DNA in Determination of Treatment Outcome CHAN Lik Yuen Henry
2004.337 Affect Structure of Chinese Adolescents in Hong Kong KWOK Wai Yee Alice
2004.338 A Prospective Randomized Comparative Study of the Effect of Pharmological Pupil Dilation or Meiosis in Intraocular Lens Pupillary Capture after Combined Phacoemulsification and Vitrectomy with Intraocular Tamponade Dr. Lee Yau Wing Vincent
2004.339 Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS): Clinical Progress, Neurocognitive and Behavioural Complications- A Follow Up Study WING Yun Kwok

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