Approved Study Database

Ref. No. Scientific Title Principal investigator
2017.673 Rhythmic entrainment: A pacemaker for social perception Dr. MAURER Urs
2016.646 Neural Facilitation Through Fast Magnocellular Visual Projections in Reading Chinese Prof. MAURER Urs
2015.207 Neural mechanisms of early visual-orthographic processing in Chinese and English: an event- and fixation-related EEG potential study Prof. MAURER Urs
2024.284 Predictive processing underlying comprehension in naturalistic reading of Chinese: A co-registration study with EEG and eye-tracking Dr Maurer Urs
2021.237 Multimodal approaches to testing and prediction in early academic achievement: Chinese, English, and Mathematics Prof. MAURER Urs
2022.307 Global and specific expectations: Identifying social factors that reduce code-switch-related ERPs Prof. MAURER Urs
2019.048 Long-term Evaluation of Two Types of Dyslexia Interventions at Behavioral and Neural Levels Prof. MAURER Urs
2019.459 Family Risk Factors of Dyslexia in Chinese: Evidence at Behavioral, Neurological and Genetic Levels Prof. MAURER Urs
2018.561 Effect of visual art therapy based on Zentangle methods on cognitive and psychological function among older adults with mild cognitive impairment. A randomized controlled trial Mr. MASIKA Golden Mwakibo
2012.182 10 years long term follow up of a randomized control trial comparing 0.02% mitomycin C and limbal conjunctival autograft after excision of primary pterygium Dr. Mary Ho
2015.248 The association of air pollution with daily mortality and years of life lost: a time series analysis Dr. MAO Chen
2012.040 CQI program on nurse-initiate suture care, fast tract for minor-wounded patient for nurse wound assessment after triage, and prospective and retrospective review of door-to-suture time in AED of North Districy Hospital Miss Man Yuk-Yi,Joie
2011.353 Clinical characteristics of patients newly diagnosed with tuberculosis in an acute general hospital in Hong Kong Dr Man Yu Hon
2024.270 Efficacy of MRI and associated MRI features in predicting multifocal/ multicentric and bilateral invasive ductal carcinoma and ductal carcinoma in-situ of breast Dr Man Yan Yan
2022.511 Instantaneous glycaemic influence on Ophthalmoelectrodiagnostic Signals Dr. MAN Tony Tsz Chun
2024.180 Emergency Medicine transformation to improve Hospital Admissions and Patient Outcomes: Emergency Ambulatory Care model in Hong Kong Dr. MAN Shin Yan
2009.310 Flagship prgramme on reducing avoidable hospitalisation: a prospective study to identify drivers of new avoidable hospitalisations in older people Dr MAN CY
2012.339 Pharmacist Intervention and Screening of Potentially Inappropriate Medications on Hospitalized Geriatric Patients in Hong Kong Mr Mak Wun Cheung
2014.063 Internet-based mindfulness and rumination-focused cognitive behavioural therapy as selective prevention of anxiety and depression: A randomised controlled trial Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2014.064 Efficacy of mindfulness training on the full spectrum of well-being: The mediating roles of mindfulness, compassion, and selflessness Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2011.545 Process-oriented exercise programme for the promotion of mental health and physical fitness among people with depression: Randomised controlled trial Prof. Mak Winnie Wing Sze
2013.160 Cultivation of self-compassion and mindfulness through mobile applications for the promotion of mental well-being: a randomized controlled trial Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2010.575 Internet-based mindfulness programme for the promotion of public mental health: Randomised controlled trial Prof MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2009.607 Internet-based mindfulness and cognitive behavioral programmes for the promotion of public mental health: Randomised controlled trial Prof Mak Winnie Wing Sze
2012.196 Stigma Watch-Iitigation of Stigma Internalization through Self-Compassion and Valued Living among People Living with HIV/AIDS Prof. Mak Winnie Wing Sze
2012.509 Mindset Peer Support Worker Project Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2011.554 Concepts of illness, recovery, and personhood on recovery participation and outcomes for people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2012.228 Evaluation of Individual Rehabilitation Planning (IRP) and Person-Centered Planning (RCP) among persons in recovery (PIR) of mental illness Professor MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2011.516 Mobile self-compassionate mood tracking and journaling for the promotion of public mental health: Randomised controlled trial Prof. Mak Winnie Wing Sze
2012.097 Applying a Mental Illness Self-Management Program - Effectiveness of Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) in Hong Kong Professor Mak Winnie Wing Sze
2012.098 Evaluation on the Effectiveness of Anti-stigma Programs using cognitive-behavioral apprach / acceptance-based approach among the Persons in Recovery of mental illness Professor Mak Winnie Wing Sze
2010.568 Concepts of illness, recovery, and personhood on treatment engagement and outcomes for people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders Prof. Mak Winnie Wing Sze
2012.515 Self-determination theory-based exercise programme for the enhancement of exercise adherence and well-being among people with depression: Randomised controlled trial Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2018.654 Evaluating the Stepped Care Online Self-help and Support Service on Mental Health in Hong Kong: A Qualitative Analysis from Different Perspectives and its Future Implementation Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2018.653 The Efficacy, Cost-Effectiveness, and Cost-Utility of Stepped Care Mental Health Service Delivery Model for People with Depression and/or Anxiety in Hong Kong:A Non-Inferiority Trial using Matched-Care as Comparator Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2019.254 Using Virtual Reality (VR) to reduce social avoidance: A pilot and a randomized controlled trial of a virtual reality cognitive behavioral therapy based program for social avoidance. Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2018.169 The Stepped-care Online Self-help and Support Service Project on Mental Health Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2015.457 HIV Stigma, Mental Health, and Sexual Behavior of PLHIV: Panel Survey and Ecological Momentary Assessment Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2017.203 A randomized control trial of internet-based mindfulness intervention on promoting health-related outcomes Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2016.253 Mindfulness Meditation and Empathy Development Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2016.014 eGPS: A Pilot Prospective Study of Guided Self-Help Programme Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2015.731 Fostering developmental assets of LGBT individuals through collective action to promote well-being Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2015.381 Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)-Randomised controlled trial on guided self-help for low-intensity cognitive behavioural interventions Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2017.569 Mindful Flourishing - Promoting college students’ mental well-being through cultivation of mindfulness with online and offline approaches Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2014.437 Effectiveness of peer-led Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) on Persons in recovery and youth people in Hong Kong Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2015.388 Efficacy and economic evaluation of Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy as treatment for anxiety and depression: A randomised controlled trial Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2017.466 Living with Heart Online Platform - Self-Assessment Center and Training Courses Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2024.286 Efficacy, cost-effectiveness and implementation of an integrated self-help and support services for student mental health in tertiary institutions: JCTH+ pragmatic cluster RCT Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze
2023.270 Evaluation of Internet delivered Psychological Intervention for University Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial Prof. MAK Winnie Wing Sze

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